Holleys Fine Foods Ltd
Unit F, Boscombe Business Park
Severn Road
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BS10 7SB

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Cacaolat has been made in Barcelona sinc...Read More
Cacaolat has been made in Barcelona since 1933, with a recipe that rem...Read More
Cacaolat has been made in Barcelona since 1933, with a recipe that remains unchanged to this day, pr...Read More

Cacaolat has been made in Barcelona since 1933, with a recipe that remains unchanged to this day, preserving its authentic flavour. This classic chocolate milkshake combines rich cocoa and creamy local milk, offering a deliciously smooth and satisfying drink. Perfect for those who appreciate a traditional taste, Cacaolat captures the essence of a timeless chocolate treat, bringing the same beloved flavour to each bottle since its creation over 90 years ago.